Walking the Healing Path, Self-Paced
Based on ancient Tibetan meditation practices, this self-paced program led by Dr. Raven Lee can benefit anyone on a personal healing journey intent on transforming stress and bringing harmony and well-being to their daily lives. Energy healers, those who work with intuition or subtle energies, and people who feel particularly sensitive to the happenings around them may find it of particular benefit.
The wisdom of your essential nature is a refuge and source of healing and protection. Discovering and deepening familiarity with this inner refuge is the foundation of this training. You will be guided to practice using energetic pathways within the body to deepen and strengthen your capacity to connect with and abide in your nature. Doing so supports unshakable confidence in those who walk the healing path.
In this program, you will explore methods for clearing blockages, for establishing protection, and for enhancing our awareness of the conditions that lead to imbalance and to feeling overwhelmed and fatigued in the presence of the suffering of others. You will experience how the three qualities of your true nature—spaciousness, awareness, and the warmth of genuine presence—protect, support, and guide you on your human journey.
Course Objectives:
- Explore what constitutes a healing path and the conditions that cause imbalance.
- Examine the causes of suffering and the challenges that arise in our work with others, such as feeling overwhelmed or fatigued, taking on suffering and doubt, or being attached to results.
- Experience how three qualities—the openness, awareness, and warmth of our true nature—support us as healers and enhance the healing process.
- Discover inner support for clearing blockages and for enhancing your attunement to unceasing healing potential.
- Learn simple, powerful Tibetan meditation practices of body, speech, and mind to meet challenges such as feeling overwhelmed, depleted or flooded.
- Connect to and abide in the inner wisdom of your true nature, a refuge of healing and protection.
- Discover how the meditation practices of the Nine Breathings of Purification and the Tsa Lung can support the clearing and opening of energetic channels.
- Enhance self-awareness of subtle body channels, clear blockages, and change habitual patterns in daily life related to the healing path.
This program is also taught live online and in-person by 3 Doors Teachers and Presenters around the world. Find a live offering.
Self-Paced Course Outline
- Introduction to the 3 Doors, Exploring the Healing Path – 55 min video
- Practices of Experiencing Sensations, Emotion and Energy – 15 min video
- Guided Practice: The 3 Doorways and Inner Refuge – 32 min audio
- Practices of Body, Speech and Mind – 34 min video
- Introducing the Nine Breathings and Tsa Lung Practices – 57 min video
- Discover Inner Support for Clearing Blockages, Enhancing Your Attunement to Unceasing Healing Potential – 14 min video
- Guided Practice: Inner Refuge. 9 Breathings and Upward Moving Tsa Lung – 41 min audio
- Enhance Self-Awareness, Clear Blockages to Change Habitual Patterns – 36 min video
- Deepen connection to the Inner Refuge – 29 min video
- Enhancing Self-Awareness, Final Review of Course – 19 min video
- Guided Practice: Inner Refuge – 33 min audio
Course Details:
TEACHER: Raven Lee
COST: $69
We are grateful for donations made during registration. These help us offer lower-priced options and scholarships.
Upon purchasing this program, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link to the program materials.
- Meditation practices that increase a felt sense of aliveness and well-being.
- 6 hours of instruction and guided practice led by 3 Doors Senior Teacher Raven Lee in a pre-recorded, downloadable format.
PREREQUISITES: None – no meditation experience is necessary.
For those interested in bringing a group together, we offer a 20% discount when five or more individuals enroll in the program. To qualify, all group members must purchase the program.
Additionally, we provide an opportunity to have Raven Lee visit your group for an extra fee. If you’re interested in creating a group or would like more information on this special offering, please contact us at info@the3doors.org.
The materials in Walking the Healing Path are for personal use only. Please refrain from sharing, copying, or distributing any content.
CONTACT: Please contact info@the3doors.org if you have any questions.