
Guided Meditations

Free Public Meditation Recordings

Becoming Conscious to Our Experience with Marcy Vaughn ยท 40:43

Soothe Our Fears, Calm Our Minds with Raven Lee ยท 60:08

Coming Into Relationship with Experience with Laura Shekerjian ยท 54:39

Finding Refuge in Times of Change with Marcy Vaughn ยท 48:44

The 3 Doors on Insight Timer

You can now take The 3 Doors practices with you wherever you go! Insight Timer, a free app that is home to over 3 million meditators worldwide, now hosts meditations by 3 Doors Senior Teachers. Watch for more meditations to be posted soon.
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Inner Refuge

Within each of usย is a source of unbounded spaciousness, infinite awareness, and a natural joy of being. At The 3 Doors, we refer to this source as the inner refuge. By turning our attention inward and focusing on the stillness of the body, the silence ofย innerย speech, or the spaciousness of mind โ€“ the three doors โ€“ we enter thisย inner refuge, the core of unlimited creative potential. The Inner Refuge is taught as a seated meditation practice. Once learned, this meditation method may be practiced from moment to moment throughout your day, to reduce overthinking and recharge your energy.

The sourceย book for these teachingsย isย Awakening the Luminous Mindย by Tenzin Wangyal.

Inner Refuge Meditation with Laura Shekerjian โ€ข 4:31

Inner Refuge Meditation with Marcy Vaughn โ€ข 28:57
Meditaciรณn del refugio interior con Alejandro Chaoul โ€ข 15:30

Tsa Lung

Supported by seated body movements, the Tibetan meditation practice of Tsa Lung brings together the mind, body, and breath. Tsa is the Tibetan word for channel and Lung is the word for wind. These body movements work with subtle energy centers (chakras) to allow you to connect to your inner wisdom and rest in a relaxed yet aware state of mind. Integrate this meditation practice into your daily routine to clear habitual patterns and live life in a more authentic, spontaneous way.

Source book for these teachings isย Awakening the Sacred Body by Tenzin Wangyal.

Introduction to Tsa Lung with Marcy Vaughn โ€ข 44:03
Background and Benefits of Tsa Lung with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche โ€ข 2:17
Tsa Lung for Experience Practitioners with Alejandro Chaoul โ€ข 19:56

Five Warrior Syllables

Explore the healing capacity of sound. In this Tibetan meditation, known as the Five Warrior Syllables, we bring our attention to five subtle energy centers in the body (chakras) and vocalize a sound, A, OM, HUNG, RAM or DZA, at each location. As we relax into the vibrations and rest in that silence, a natural confidence arises that goes beyond regrets, fears, hopes, and accomplishments. This practice helps to clear obstacles and overcome negativity.

โ€œThe term warrior refers to the ability to conquer the forces of negativity. Sacred sound has the power to eliminate obstacles, emotional blocks, and mental obscurationsโ€ฆโ€ p. 8,ย Tibetan Sound Healing, by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche – the source book for these teachings.

Practice Handouts

These documents are copyrighted and are intended for personal use only. It is strongly recommended if you are new to any one of these practices, that you learn the practice with the support of a teacher. Our Foundational Programs are a great place to explore the practices and their many benefits for your life.

CyberSangha: Free Live Guided Meditation Practices

CyberSangha is a way to connect with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, the ancient Tibetan teachings, and fellow students around the world through regular live broadcasts. All broadcasts are free and open to all and include not only teachings and guided meditations, but also interfaith dialogues, conversations between scientific and spiritual leaders, and Tibetan poetry readings, as well as glimpses of Rinpocheโ€™s life and travels. Learn more at cybersangha.net.

View our recommended books to support your practice HERE.