North American Academy 4, Resources Page - The 3 Doors

North American Academy 4, Resources Page

Greetings all graduates of North American Academy 4!  Here is where you can find all of your retreat recordings, handouts, and recommended readings from your 2.5 years in the Academy. Please respect that these materials are intended for use in the context of a 3 Doors program, and do not share them with others.

Retreat 1: Finding Inner Refuge and Introduction to Practices of Body and Breath

Please enjoy this set of videos that Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche made in 2010 as The 3 Doors Academy was founded. Please respect that this material is intended for use in the context of a 3 Doors program, and do not share them with others.

Part 1 teaching – Recognizing Pain Body, Pain Speech, and Pain Mind

Part 2.1 teaching – The Role of Wind and the Nine Breathings 1

Part 3 teaching – The Role of Wind and the Nine Breathings 2

Awakening the Sacred Body, p. 1-84

Spontaneous Creativity p. 1-28

 Retreat 2: Exploring the Gifts of Inner Refuge and Practicing with Sound and Silence

Please enjoy this set of videos that Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche made in 2010 as The 3 Doors Academy was founded. Please respect that these materials are intended for use in the context of a 3 Doors program, and do not share them with others.

Part 1 – The Five Warrior Syllables and the Inner Refuge:

Part 2 – Understanding Causal Relationships Among the Five Warrior Syllables:

Part 3 – What to Transform in Your Practice:

Part 4 – The Benefits of the Practice of A:

Part 5 – The Benefits of the Practice of OM:

Part 6 – The Benefits of the Practice of Hung:

Part 7 – The Benefits of the Practice of Ram:

Part 8 – The Benefits of the Practice of Dza:

Part 9 – The Power of the Mantra:

Part 10 – Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche Sings the Mantra:

Tibetan Sound Healing

Spontaneous Creativity p. 31-79

Retreat 3: Healing Power of Contemplation: Bringing Pain to the Path

Part 1 – Rinpoche introduces the practice and discusses the first two lines: Vision is Mind, and Mind is Empty.

Part 2 – Rinpoche discusses the 3rd & 4th lines: Emptiness is Clear Light, Clear Light is Union. He also discusses the pitfalls of nihilism and eternal-ism.

Part 3 – Rinpoche discusses the fifth line: Union is Great Bliss, and the medicine we receive as we abide in the warmth that manifests from the union of space and awareness. 

Part 4 – Rinpoche explains the connection between the three Inner Refuge Prayers and the Fivefold Teachings of Dawa Gyaltsen.

Retreat 4: Discovering Flow: Spontaneous Expression and the Path of Meditation

Inner Refuge & the Expression of Negativity

Expression of the Inner Light that Illuminates the Darkness 

Be Open to Being Surprised by the Great Success of your Practice

Spontaneous Creativity p. 81-98

Retreat 5: The Healing Power of the Collective: Hosting Ancestral and Societal Pain
Rinpoche explains how the practices of the 3 Doors are designed to help us overcome individuality and expand our sense of self beyond ourselves to those we’re in relationship with, to our community, and, ultimately to all sentient beings.  He shares his personal experiences in creating the 3 Doors Academy in relation to this.
Rinpoche shares his vision of how shifting into collective awareness can lead to social change.  He encourages us to bring the collective awareness and wisdom we have gained through our 3 Doors experience to create positive change in our own spheres of interest –business, education, government or community.
Rinpoche first reminds us that hosting to dissolve a pain body can only work when we are in the unbounded space of Refuge.  He then focuses on the nature of sacred art, explaining that any creation of mind can be a work of sacred art if that creation comes from unbounded spaciousness, awareness and warmth.  This extends to expressing yourself honestly, saying what you mean from that same place of space, awareness and warmth.

Retreat 6: Transformation: Dedicating the Fruit of Your Practice for the Benefit of Others

Spontaneous Creativity p. 101-118

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