Ethics Policy and Values - The 3 Doors

Values, Commitments, and Ethics Policy

3 Doors Values

Wisdom & Compassion

We are dedicated to live with an open heart and mind and to be compassionate in our thoughts, communications, and actions. After every meditation we offer the positive results of our practice: In liberating my own being, may I benefit others. 

Integrity & Respect

We adhere to high ethical and professional standards in all that we do. We are committed to conscientiously steward our human and financial resources. Through our leadership, teachings, and practices, we demonstrate respect for self, others, and the Bon Buddhist lineage of our founder Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. 

Inclusivity & Diversity

We are committed to nurturing a supportive and inclusive community that is enriched by diverse perspectives and cultures. 

Teaching Excellence & Experiential Learning

Our programs and practices are delivered with the highest teaching standards and a commitment to learning through direct experience. We support spiritual development and healing through thoughtful reflection, discussion, and transformational practice. 

3 Doors Community Commitments

Commitments to Self and Others

I commit to the continuing practice of reflecting upon my conduct and bringing reactivity (pain body, speech, and mind) to my practice. Trusting in the inner refuge, I seek to transform unhelpful patterns and allow positive qualities to emerge for the benefit of self and others.

I commit to regarding others with openness and respect. I endeavour in all my interactions to remain clear of bias, inclusive, and warmly present.

I commit to discovering my gifts and bringing them forth for the well-being of others.

Ethics Support and Confidential Guidance

If you have a question, a concern, or have experienced a situation that has caused you confusion or discomfort in relation to the Code of Conduct, The 3 Doors Ethics Council encourages you to contact any 3 Doors senior teacher or member of the Ethics Council.  You will be supported to discuss your concern and explore how to move forward with the situation.  All questions and concerns are important and your sharing will be confidential. Email: to request a confidential meeting with any 3 Doors senior teacher or member of the Ethics Council.  

Ethics Council Members: Claire Clark, Tonny Maas, Anneke Dekkers, Lavanya Devdas, Jacqueline Salmon, and Inés Sáenz.

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