Regula Franz shares how The 3 Doors have Impacted Her Photography

“I will never forget the exact moment. I was in a small group with Gabriel at Serenity Ridge, in the Garuda House practice room. He was leading a meditation on the spaciousness of the heart. As I looked into my heart I had a glimpse of a photograph I had taken seven years prior of the largest salt sea in the world, way up on a plateau in the Andes of Southern Bolivia. In that moment I deeply understood that I had been photographing pure spaciousness all along, without consciously ‘knowing’. I felt my heart widen and sing with joy.
“This realization culminated in the production of a new body of work called ‘Mondland’, large format prints from 6×7 color film negatives. The photo (above) was exhibited, with three additional photographs from the same location, at the Fine Arts Center in Portsmouth, Virginia. The negatives had lived in a box for eight years until I realized that I had been capturing and visualizing refuge in stillness, silence, and spaciousness with my camera.” ~ Regula (Regi)

Photos from the Swiss Alps that Regi took during her recent sabbatical:

About Regi
Regula Franz is a Documentary Photographer and Educator who holds a Master of Fine Arts in Photography from VCU School of the Arts in Richmond. She is originally from Basel, Switzerland, where she received a B.A. in English, Linguistics, Anthropology and Art History. Interested in indigenous cultures and adventure travel, she has been photographing sacred places and daily life all over the globe, especially in Southeast Asia and Latin America, where she still roams every year. Her monograph Beyond Journey was published in 2015 by Herekeke Arts Center, New Mexico, where she has been a Visiting Artist since 2009. A passionate teacher, she holds classes and workshops at various locations in the US and Europe. She has been practicing and studying the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of Bön with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche since 2000 at Ligmincha International in Virginia. A graduate of THe 3 Doors NA Academy III (2017), she is currently “back on the road” on an 8 month sabbatical in Europe and Southeast Asia.